Thursday, September 15, 2011

Achieve 3000: How does the iPad stack up?

After reading the Achieve 3000 article, do you think the iPad is an effective device for our academy learning environment.  Which technological device do you think will be most beneficial for learning in the academy?


  1. I think that a laptop is better than an I Pad, because the laptop, to me, is easier to navigate around the internet.

  2. I think a laptop would be easier for me to use then an iPad because i can tipper better and i just prefer them but i think both would be good to use

  3. I think that our laptops will work better just from the point that one girl is using an iPad and is having trouble using Google docs. The other thing is that the iPad cant multitask and run to applications at once like our computers can.

  4. I think that using an iPad would be great but a laptop is made more for what we do. It gives u easier access to the internet and easier to use overall and with the iPad it is made more for gaming and music.

  5. I think that laptops will work better than iPad's because iPad's have a smaller memory of only 64GB as to a laptop with 3 to 4 time's the memory capacity. Laptop would be better because they can run more than one program at to the iPad's it can run only one program at a time.

  6. I think the I pad is good but a laptop would be better because it could probably hold more documents and its easier to type on. The only disadvantage is that the I pad is smaller and lighter and easier to carry around with you.

  7. I think that a laptop would be much better than ipad because, laptops can have several different windows open. Also ipads are slower then laptops, and the new ipad cost more then some laptops. For example, my laptop only costed $329, and the new ipad cost $499. Even tho the ipad is small and easy to carry around, i think that a laptop would be more useful and helpful in ILA.

  8. I personally think that the labtop would be much easier and more effective to us in the academy class than the IPad would. First of all on the labtops you can open several different windows at the same time have then be popped open on your screen. Also the IPads are slower than the regular labtop and that would just cause more commotion and stress on everyone that we don’t need. The cost difference is a key factor also we would be spending about 100 dollars less for about 25 labtops then getting 25 IPads for everyone. The labtop is also what we are all used to using and we wouldn’t have to spend about 3 class periods learning how to work it! So i think that the labtops would be way more affective to our academy class then IPads would.

  9. I have to say that the Ipad is more of a fun thing, because of its apps, there are thousands of these, these are like little games or info boxes for the user. Ipad’s are clumsy when it comes to the internet, typing is a lot more of a hassle, and navigating the internet is also difficult with its touch screen. Computers can navigate the internet with ease and finesse, plus most cost less, I bought mine for about 400 while the Ipad 2 is actually 600 I would prefer a computer over an Ipad.

  10. The laptop seems better because it's more powerful then Ipads and can do more things like Microsoft. Ipads are written with the Mac software and can't do many things meant for Microsoft. The only downside is that Ipads are more easy to carry around.
