Friday, December 16, 2011

Comment: “The Burden of Thirst”

Compare the availability of the resource of water in Africa to that in your daily life? Use information and details from your research and interviews with water experts to support your ideas.


  1. I think that we are really lucky to have access to water right in our homes. We can use water whenever we need it, and sometimes, we use more than we need. The article says that the average American uses 100 gallons of water everyday. People in Africa use 2 1/2 gallons. That is a big difference. I think that we should conserve water, and use only what we need. People in places like Africa do not have easy access to water at all. It is sad that women have to drop out of school to take care of their family and get water. Walking long distances to get water would not be an easy job. Also, it is sad that many people die because they drink the water. The water is very unsafe and unclean. I don't think that we should be worrying about whether we use tap water or filtered water because both of those are cleaner than water in rivers that some people have to drink from. Luckily, there are some organizations that help some of these communities. I think that we should stop complaining about our water, use only what we need, and help other people around the world.

  2. I think that the people in Konso have a very difficult life, impossible if compared to ours. They need to walk for 50 minutes then wait an hour and then another hour and a half back uphill with 100 pounds of dirty unclean water on their backs. We need to walk to our sink about 30 seconds away and get clean, purified, virtually none stop water. To think that people our fighting over which water is better, bottled or tap, is kind of silly when looking at the lives of the people in Africa.

  3. This sounds like a very sad life. Having to walk miles on end every day and come back with 50 pounds of water. And she not even the only one in her village has to do this as we only have to walk to the sink and get some water. I mean just today we I waited like 5 minutes to make sure the shower water was warm that's close to 25% of there hole day of water I kinda feel like a jerk for using so much water now but when things are so convenient its hard to cut it from your daily life.

  4. As Americans we take for grantag the great recourse of water we have. When doctors tell us to drink more water we may even think it is hard to have to go to the sink and remember to get water. As in Ethiopia they have to walk miles down a mountain side several times a day to get the water they need to support their family. Although these people have a limited resource to water I do think that the companies such as the U.K. Water Aid are great companies and are really begging to help these people out. I also like the creative ideas that people are coming up with just like people are are designing kitchens that run off of methane gas off of the toilets.

  5. We are very lucky to be able to walk to our foutains and press a botton or turn on a fousate and get water. People in africa have to walk miles to get water for daily activities. When they bring the water home they have to boil the water to make it safe to drink. When we recieve our water, its already safe to drink. Our water gose through many different steps to make it safe to drink.Three chemicals are added to our water to make it safe to drink. People in Africa have to walk miles to first get their water, then walk miles all the way home. Even then they cant drink the water. African people have to boil the water to kill the germs. Even after boiling the water some bad bacteria may still be in the water. We are very lucky to have the kind of water resources that we have.

  6. It's crazy to think that they use only 2 gallons of water and don't even wash cloths, themselves, or their hands. Too think we have to do those things, well don't have to but do everyday, I'm happy we have all this clean water to do those things. The U.S. gets sick but not because of unclean water, well at least not as much as the people who don't have sanitary water. I couldn't imagine only using 2 gallons of water a day and walking up and down that steep hill three times a day. I can agree with Jacob that we so take our for granted! I believe America would most likely go crazy if we only had that much water to use. I am more than grateful for our water resource's.

  7. I think that we are very lucky to have fresh clean water to drink when ever we want it, but we waste it. We need to think of the people who don't have it like us and conserve water. They have to walk miles and miles every day only 100 pounds of non clean water. When we get are water it goes through steps so it is safe for us to drink. For the people in Africa they have to walk miles and miles and then they boil it but the water may still have bacteria in the water. So I will start saving water and cut down on water when ever i'm using water.
